Executive team

Professor Ying (Ian) Chen

Hub Director

Professor Zaiping Guo

Hub Deputy Director

Professor Ian Gentle

Associate Director & Node Leader (University of Queensland)

Matthew Nye

Hub Manager

Node leaders

Each University is represented in the Executive Team by a Node Leader. They are responsible for Hub activities within their Node, and for representing their Node at Hub meetings and other events. They are also responsible for reporting on their Node activities and being the liaison point between the Node and Hub leadership and management. The Node Leaders are as follows:

Professor John Bell

University of Southern Queensland

Professor Yuan Chen

University of Sydney

Associate Professor Khay See

University of Wollongong

Professor Ian Gentle

Associate Director & Node Leader (University of Queensland)

Chief Investigators

Professor David Cahill

Deakin University

Professor Christopher Cook

University of Wollongong

Professor Lianzhou Wang

University of Queensland

Associate Professor Wenrong Yang

Deakin University

Dr Srikanth Mateti

Deakin University

Dr Chao Ye

University of Adelaide

Dr Baozhi Yu

Deakin University

Dr Min Hong

University of Southern Queensland

Associate Professor Bin Luo

The University of Queensland

Professor Ashok Nanjundan

University of Southern Queensland

Professor Colin Barrow

Deakin University

Professor Shizhang Qiao

University of Adelaide

A/Prof Duane Robinson

University of Wollongong

Partner Investigators

Christiaan Jordaan

Sicona Battery Technologies

Ahmed El Safty

Zero Emission Developments

Alan Ross

LDO Electric

Dr Stephen (Steve) Rowlands

Li-S Energy

Keong Chan

Iondrive Technologies Pty Ltd

Steven Hickey


Andrew McVey

Shoalhaven Water

Sarry Bi

Panda Development Group

Michael Bragg

PowerStack Energy

Research & Technical Staff

Researchers & Research Engineers are appointed to assist Chief Investigators complete SafeREnergy research projects.

Dr Weidi Liu

The University of Queensland

Dr Rizwan Ur Rehman Sagar

Associate Research Fellow

Higher Degree Research

HDR or PhD students work with Hub Chief Investigators completing theses on research aligned to an industry partner funded project.

Wangmo Wangmo

Strategic Advisory Committee

The Strategic Advisory Committee consists of a selection of national and international experts in the field, from both academia and industry. Its purpose is to provide independent advice on Hub direction, strategy, project focus and mix, potential funding opportunities, relationships, and partners.

Current members are:

Professor Jaephil Cho

Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology

Professor Mauricio Terrones

Penn State University

Professor Chennupati Jagadish

Australian National University

Professor Rachel Caruso


Professor Yury Gogotsi

Drexel University

Professor Jun Liu

University of Washington

Professor Yoshio Bando

National Institute of Materials Science

Leigh Kennedy

NERA (National Energy Resources Australia)

Robin Levison​

PPK Group

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